Thursday, September 24, 2009


Have you ever cracked a window and took a pick ... well, this is what we are doing now.

Opening the window of opportunity ... your window could be for relationships, to make your life feel better, to get your next goal.

Have you ever gone window shopping??? I have ... many times with many friends. Would you like to come with me? I can tell you some of the very best places to go out and get that pair of jeans for the best price or the most incredible soaps ever made in NYC.

I am open to questions ... what do you need?

I'll take any ideas and put them up in Ana Elena's Window for all of you !!!

More to come soon!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Art of Flirting - Part I

Well, this is for a friend that ask me to write a book on how to flirt. The book is not even at the beginning of the creation and maybe we girls have an opinion on what else to include in it... and in the art of seducing a man ; )

Open to all suggestions and comments...maybe men want to give this a try too. Let's start by thanking Kate for her wonderful idea... and begin cookin'.

We can begin explaining on how to flirt with a fan, sexy movements or the kamasutra for women... but before all that let's think a little and start with the basics.

To start this sensual art ... A list of questions:

How does your Outside look like?
  1. Do you slouch when sitting?
  2. Are you concerned every minute with where your hands are?
  3. Do you look like a figurine without any movement?
  4. Are you confident about your posture?
  5. How about Clothing?
  6. Do you like your clothes, do they represent who you are?
  7. Do you care of what are you wearing when you go out?
  8. How about do you care about your inside clothing?

Everything counts, how you take care of your inside reflects in the outside... and I don't mean only in undergarments.

How does your Inside looks like, now we are going for inner beauty:
  1. Do you think you are a good person?
  2. What are 5 the most wonderful characteristics about you?
  3. Are you a wealth soul person or are you broke? This is not about money... it's about spirit.
  4. Do you have enough inner beauty to share with your friends?
  5. When you walk the room, what do people do?
  6. What is your level of Self-confidence?

Important for you to know:
  1. what do you want from a man?
  2. Do you flirt with men?
  3. Are you successful in interesting a man?
  4. When you flirt do you have a purpose?

A lot of people think you are, I have done it myself at times, when I don't know what I want and I expect other people to tell me what to desire... well, how can you get the attention you want from a man if you are not interested in sending the vibe to the world.

I have done a lot of inner work to understand people around me and myself. One of the best recommendations from psychologists, researchers and even a good friend is to be aware of your strengths. Sometimes that is all the beauty that a woman needs...

You have certain potential that you can achieve that become actions, through following those actions you get results that support your belief system which in return become part of your potential. If your potential or ideas of you are that you are not feminine or sexy well you probably will behave that way and supporting even more your behavior. So, girls get in front of the mirror and start saying aloud how awesome you look... if you like what you see, you probably will be able to sell the product more easily ; )

So far, I don't think I flirt with the men I'm interested in... I am just myself. If you are transparent, forget about being nervous and you are kind to them and listen to them you will be successful. This works with every person... I've found out we are starving for real connections. For somebody to look at us for who we are. Even when we have a piece of spinach on your tooth. Those occasions are the best!!! great chances to show your human side, your soft spot and your humor. That's irresistible ; )

And if that doesn't work... we can try the cat walk too, lol.

More to come ... in our next post we will start the art of seduction 101.